Monday, August 11, 2008


So I'm sitting here watching the Olympics, and just wanted to share a few things about Nancy...

- She had Olympic dreams in women's ice hockey, but was sidelined by a knee injury.
- She would watch her daughter excel in so many sports at such a young age (gymnastics, ice skating, swimming)...and wonder "which sport will she focus on"? She never had any doubt that her daughters would embrace sport and competition as she had...a completely positive endeavor.
- She loved running and tried to teach so many of us how to be runners. Some more successfully than others! (I'm not in that category, sadly)
- She also enjoyed working out at the gym and the trainer who runs the "boot camp" program called her his "warrior".


Anora McGaha said...

Thanks for your poignant reflections about Nancy.

Do you have any news on a public memorial site?

Every woman I've talked with in the area has said that she was focused for weeks on what happened to Nancy. Focused is putting it mildly - it struck a chord so terrifying, it was as if the emergency warning system for the whole area had gone off: If you felt safe in Cary, think again.

The site could be as simple as setting up a free site on google sites. Or more involved by around $100 or so for a very sophisticated memorial site.

Art2mis said...

I did start working on one last weekend and should have it up and running by this weekend, thanks so much for your help on that! I'm going with imorial, which I think was one of your suggestions...I like the ability to light a virtual candle for Nancy, as it's something I'm doing every week anyway.

Anora McGaha said...

Excellent choice, so glad to know the memorial page is in the works. I liked the candle lighting feature.

May I also recommend your writing an announcement in two locations:, making the article available to Wake County, not just Cary; and also
If you'd like help with that, don't hesitate to contact me.